Getting a brand new computer feels great because everything works perfectly. It’s fast, effective and extremely efficient. Unfortunately, as we all know this doesn’t last long! It doesn’t take long for you to question this dramatic decrease in speed and getting you wondering why your computer is so slow.
Don’t worry, we have all been there and it doesn’t matter how great the specification on your pc states it is the speed of it will drop dramatically over a period of time. However, it is possible to get your computer to run at optimal speeds again. There are a few key factors which determine why your computer slows down. These are mentioned below, as well as solutions to each problem.
Why is My Computer So Slow Maintaining The Hard Drive
Increasing the number of pictures, videos, music etc. on your computer can cause your hard drive to run slower. The reason for this is that files on your system are saved everywhere which means that it can take time to locate and load them. To fix this I highly recommend you defragment your computer.
To do this go to Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories >System Tools >Disk Defragmenter. When you do this you ensure your computers speed will instantly increase as your computer will now be able to locate the rearranged files.
Whilst in the same directory also use the Disk Cleanup tool to delete any temporary and unnecessary files. This will also supercharge your computers performance.
Why is My Computer So Slow Adware, Malware and Spyware
One of the biggest reasons for your computer being ridiculously slow is because of spyware, malware and adware. The big issue with these trackers is that they can damage your system permanently, as well as stealing passwords and deleting files.
To permanently get rid of these trackers and help speed up your system you can download the program ‘No Adware’ for free today! This program can speed up your system considerably, as well as keeping your system permanently protected from the above trackers. For a great program that can fix your spyware and adware problems check out No Adware.
Why is My Computer So Slow Corruption In Registry
This is one of the biggest causes of an extremely slow pc. The main reason this happens is because your registry holds phenomenal amounts of data; when this data becomes too much for the registry to handle it can severely damage your computer processes.
Fortunately, you can overcome this problem relatively easy by using software specifically designed to combat corrupt registries. These kinds of programs were designed with non computer technical people in mind which means they are very simple to use. They will help protect and speed up your system in no time at all.
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