If you surf the Internet a lot, you know the importance of having a good antivirus program like AVG Internet Security. This type of software protects a computer from an attack by other computers as well as prevents your personal data from being compromised by hackers. The AVG review provides your computer with everything needed to do just that.
There are two versions of this internet security software service review, a free version that has limited capabilities and a paid suite version that is designed for anyone who is running more than one computer on a network. The main differences between the two are that the free version is not licensed for more than one computer and the suite version is much larger in size.
Most all Internet security programs offer a firewall to block any unauthorized access to a computer. The firewall has settings that can be manually set to ones own desired settings. It should be noted that other programs may attempt to change these settings but the options are ultimately the user’s choice. This firewall actually investigates all traffic that comes into a computer from the Internet and blocks potentially hazardous ones.
The spam filter is not as common in an internet security program as a firewall is but they too can be essential for keeping a computer free of unwanted attacks. Generally emails are sent out with phishing software attached to them. The software reports user’s movements on the Internet and sends that information back to the sender. Spam filters allow the user to send unwanted emails to a folder so they are isolated.
Rootkits are pieces of software that disguises attempts to attack a computer. Many times these rootkits will make the computer and anti-virus software think it is simply a part of your normal programming. The paid version of AVG detects those bits of software and exposes them. Then it isolates them so they can be properly disposed of.
A lot of instant messaging programs allow users to share files with one another. This can be devastating to your computer. It is very easy to share a virus or phishing software with your friends as well. AVG offers instant messaging scans to prevent this from occurring. You will be sure that your personal information is safe while chatting with friends online.
Each of the AVG versions have very similar features although the paid suite version is a larger program so it naturally requires more disk space as well as taking longer to run the program. If one is using the Internet for only personal use then the free version is more than sufficient. Anyone requiring or simply wanting additional features should invest in the paid larger version.
The anti-virus software you use is ultimately your decision but the AVG reviews software is available in two different versions for the features you want most. This type of software is indispensable for anyone storing personal information on a computer or anyone who uses the Internet consistently. It actually gives peace of mind when working or even playing games on the Internet.
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