Do not trust this fake program! Anti malware Tool is another malware application. It was programmed to steal end-users even if it looks like a real antivirus program. It is not able to detect, or to erase, any type of rogue programs. Here you will read more about how to remove anti malware tool.
Whenever your PC is infected by Anti malware Tool, you will get a fake system scan done, and a full report saying your computer has lots of viruses and spyware on it. Thousands of users have been tricked by this program. The only way to really know if your computer is infected is to scan it using a good and working anti spyware program.
Anti malware Tool is downloaded unknowingly by most people that visit movie sites or watch movies online. It presents itself as a video codec that must be downloaded in order to watch a movie. It is more prevalent on adult video sites. You won’t get a video codec; rather you will install some back door Trojan. The intrusion begins by the software making modifications to your system and on reboot you will start getting multiple security alerts.
All the alerts from Anti malware Tool are aimed to get you to buy a paid version of scam ware. Buying this application will result having your money lost into the hands of some scammer. The best thing to do if you get hit in a drive by with this scam is to remove it as soon as possible to avoid further damage, do this by scanning your system with both a notable antivirus and anti malware scanner.
It will also be possible to find many specialized applications to clean your PC from this rogue program. Using an online search engine will help you to know how to remove this spyware from your PC! The next time, if you are not visiting a good website, and you are getting some program saying you do have to download a program to view a movie, it is probably some bad software you should avoid right now. It would also be wise to scan your system even if you did not download anything just to be safe.
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